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My name is Eszter Tóth-Horgosi, I'm an Access Bars® facilitator and Massage From 5 Continents therapist, social media content creator and YouTuber.

Ever since I was a child, I have felt that I am called to something completely different, that a special path is waiting for me. A special path that I want to see and create in the world. I think I can say that I have found what I am here on this planet for.

My goal is that every person on Earth at least knows about the tools that I - and fortunately many others - use and that have changed my life. 

Because there is nothing wrong with you, no matter how much the world made you believe that. You're great!


Join me on this journey and let's change the world!

Csatlakozz hírlevél listámhoz!

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Köszönöm! Hamarosan kapsz tőlem egy emailt! :)

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