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Imagine if someone could push a button and silence the voice in your head that tells you you're not good enough or that you can't achieve what you dream of.

A clear mind, many thoughts and emotions go away, your body relaxes, you don't stress, what you were worried about suddenly disappears.

Access Bars® is a light touch on head technique created by Gary Douglas that clears all the many emotions, point of views, and judgments you have taken in your life as real (money, relationships, business, school, family, etc.) after you feel like you can live as yourself. There are 32 points and an energy bar on the head.


During the Access Bars treatment, the therapist gently touches these points to release/neutralize thoughts, etc. electromagnetic charge that can limit you in the affected areas of life.

Today, Access Bars are used in more than 170 countries around the world.

The effects of Access Bars® 

Stressed Woman

Stress relief

Too much stress? Have you already forgotten what it's like not to stress about anything?

Eyes Closed

Deep relaxation

When was the last time you were really relaxed and your mind wasn't overthinking?

Sleeping with Eye Mask

Better sleep, more rested waking up

Many people experience more restful sleep afterwards. Many even sleep through the treatment! :)


In case of hyperactivity and attention deficit

Do you want to be more focused? Is everything too distracting?

A girl feeling sad

Dissolve energetic, emotional, physical and mental blocks

Reduces depression and mood swings, unlocking limitations

Girl with Arms Stretched Out

Opens up for receiving

Many people don't even know, but one of our biggest obstacles is that we are not willing to receive. Do you want to know what changes it can bring?

A Bars session has many other effects. Hear what others have experienced:

"Worst case scenario you will feel like you got a head massage, best case scenario your whole life changes."

Gary Douglas

Access Bars have helped thousands of people transform different areas of their lives. People have reported better health, easier sleep, weight loss, better sex and relationships, relief from panic, less stress, and so much more...


The key to inviting more of what we ask for into our lives is to learn to receive it. Access Bars facilitate a receiving unlike any other modality in this reality.



What do you really want? What do you want your life to look like in 5, 10 or 20 years?

Same, slightly different or very different?

What is the future you really want?

What kind of energy do you want to wake up with every morning?

Change is possible and much easier than you think!



What do you really want? What is the future you really want? Does your life consist of cycles, or do you feel stuck? What is happiness? Does it exist at all? Would you like to create your life youthfully and joyfully?



Everyone is different, so there is no "normal" Access Bars session. Every session will be different, every single time, even if you repeat it on the same person.


What is said most often is that a kind of complete relaxation appears. Many people fall asleep - even in very noisy environments. Some people see images, others feel something in their body, such as tingling, prickling, warmth, twitching, or shivering.


There is no right or wrong way. The best way to find out what the Access Bars session will be like for you is to try it for yourself!

Still having doubts?

Check out what others have written!


"My attention became much more focused, I was filled with calmness, I felt that this is who I am. The treatment was a very good experience and brought a lot of realizations and lessons in the form of sensations, feelings and thoughts. And Eszti created a very kind, permissive and accepting atmosphere for everything, I wholeheartedly recommend her ! And I'm very glad that I was able to experience this!"

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