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Continuous perfectionism

Updated: Dec 20, 2022

The continuous pursuit of perfection could be said to be a popular disease these days.

We do it so much and in many cases we don't even notice it, it becomes so much a part of us. Chasing a constant ideal, judging ourselves and our actions can often literally affect our physical health.

But what creates this? What makes us strive for perfection at all costs? What do we gain by judging our every move?

If we observe, everything that we think is perfect, it is just a set of viewpoints created by someone, not reality. We often hear that nothing is perfect, no one is perfect. It is interesting that this idea even comes up. Let's look at nature and the animal world! Is there a perfect tree? Is there a perfect lion? Is there a perfect rock?

There is no...

Perfection is a human creation. Because as humans we have points of view that we live by. There is no point of view or judgment in nature.

"Our point of view creates our reality, our reality doesn’t create our point of view" ~Dr. Dain Heer

We create our lives through our point of views. If we accept something as truth and ideal, we try to achieve it at all costs. But we often don't ask the question:

"What's MY point of view on this?"

It can be completely different than what society says. It may be completely different from what your parents taught you. In the end, it's always what YOU think that matters. The solution is to discover what is true for you! Until then, you are chasing fantasies and ideals, not your inner values. Until then, you may feel like you're living someone else's life.

You may have some questions...

What is beautiful? What is inappropriate? Who and when decided that "this is allowed" and "this is not allowed"? "You can't do it this way! This is the the only way!" Who decided what is normal, who decided that there is only just that we can see with our two little eyes that is possible?

What good comes from functioning from the same things as what seemed "normal" and accepted for the last 100 years or 1000 years? What has changed since then? Does that work for you?

Who was the first to say that something is impossible or that it is too brave or perhaps a stupid decision?

What if the mind is not in control, but rather the energy that you exist as? What if everything is just an energy? Who decided that we should be afraid of anything? How are we not strong and powerful enough to change things in seconds?

When did you believe you were tiny? That your choices, your existence don't have a big impact on the world?

But it certainly has an effect.

If you change, the people around you will too, and then the people around them too, and so on. How can you impact people in the next 100 years like this? The choices you make today do matter. Because you matter!


But how can you change this pursuit of perfection?

Let me give you some tips!

  • Question everything you hear (even your own thoughts). Ask the question "Is this true?". "Do I also have to live by this consideration?" If you feel easy that you don't need to buy this consideration as truth, then this is probably not true for you! e.g. rich people are not happy

  • Create a new point of view that is true for you! e.g. my happiness is not attached to money, but I am willing to have a lot of money to make my life more comfortable

  • Write a list of why you are grateful for yourself! (if you are grateful for yourself, you cannot judge yourself, i.e. it will no longer be relevant to want to do anything perfectly)

The more we choose not to be perfect, the more people will be given the opportunity to do the same. But they have to see that it is possible!

Are YOU willing to show others that it can be different?

Instead of perfection, see what works for you! It may be the same as others, but it may be completely different. Be yourself and change the world! Thank you for being you and striving for something greater!

If you would like to change your self-judgment in your life, this YouTube video of mine might help:

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