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My story...

I am Eszter Tóth-Horgosi, Access Bars® facilitator and Massage from 5 Continents therapist, social media content creator and YouTuber.


Since I was young, I always saw things from a different perspective, I felt completely different from the people around me, which I perceived as a negative for a long time.


My goal is to show as many people as possible that there is nothing wrong with them and that they can change anything, create anything they want. The potential is there in everyone.​ 

I started working with Access Consciousness in 2019 and using its tools, since then it has been part of my daily life. From then, I feel that this is my path and I would love to show it to as many people as possible. To be present, to help, to add to the world.


It is said that these young years are the most beautiful and you don't have to face any problems, but we do face a lot of doubts and obstacles in these years as well. It happened to me many times that I had no idea what to do with myself, with my life, what interests me at all, what makes me happy.


A lot of people come across this and I know how scary it is.

BUT! It is not impossible to change.


I show you tools to help guide you to your strength. Based on my own experience, through years of experience gained during many treatments, I can assure you that you will be able to achieve change in your life.


For me it is important that people in my age and even younger people already use these tools as part of their lives, which have changed my life.


In all areas. Relationship and connection with my body, in discovering and using my own abilities, in my relationships, in creating money, in happiness and I could list more.

I attended my first Access Bars® class in 2019, during my graduation period. Since then, I have completed 3 Bars courses and have since become an Access Bars facilitator. In addition, I participated in many Access Consciousness® classes and workshops because I really wanted to change. I was thirsty for the knowledge that Access Consciousness® provided me. I immediately applied these tools in my own life.



 I met Massage from 5 Continents in 2022, as soon as I saw that this type of massage existed, I immediately completed the course and since then the use of this magical massage has opened many new doors in my life.

My favorite quote: "Whatever you think is your greatest weakness, is actually your greatest strongness." Gary Douglas

You don't have to follow schemes that no longer work for you. You can be different. You can be yourself. You can be anything and anyone. It's all your choice!

Are you looking for your way, but having trouble finding your place? Need some directions? Tools that can pull out even the biggest pile of shit?


I will do my best to be a contribution to you and the world!

It is my pleasure to see you happy.


What can we create together? :)

Elvégzett képzéseim

✔️Access Bars® tanfolyam (4x)

✔️Access Facelift tanfolyam

✔️​Access Alapozó tanfolyam

✔️Globális Alapozó tanfolyam (2x)

✔️Choice For Possibilities Dain Heer-rel

✔️3 napos Testtanfolyam Brendon Watt-tal

✔️Energetic Synthesis of Being tanfolyam Dain Heer-rel
✔️Symphony of Possibilities tanfolyam Dain Heer-rel

✔️Neked Megfelelő Gazdagság Bevezető workshop

✔️Beszélgetés az Entitásokkal Bevezető workshop


✔️Számos online workshop, tisztítóestek

✔️Energiahúzás programok

You are a miracle!

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Is your curiosity tingling?

Check out my Youtube Channel!

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