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Access Consciousness® Body Process

Would you be willing to have a different reality with your body?

Each body treatment begins to give you awareness of what your body is aware of, what it has always been aware of, but you have refused to be aware of. Body treatments enhance the way your body can show you what it is awake to.

A lot of people didn't realize their abilities, which can help them achieve things. Your body is a sensual, sensing organism. You and your body, perceiving in a unique way, are aware of everything. Your body was designed to give you awareness of your embodiment, awareness of the energy of the world around you. But in this reality, we see it more as a source of judgment.

What if your body didn't have to be your enemy anymore?

What if you could communicate with your body like your best friend?

Would you like to change your relationship with your body?

What if you don't have to judge and abuse your body? Would you be nice to it?

Luxury Spa

What are the Body Processes?

An Access Consciousness Body Process is a hands-on method that uses different hand placements on various positions on the body while asking specific energies to run at each spot. These processes facilitate the body back into its original functions, which assist with the repairing and longevity of the body. 
Access Consciousness has discovered over 50 body processes: energies that can facilitate a body to change and transform.


The Access Body Processes created by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer invite you to change your relationship with your body... and thus everything in your life!

Effects of Body Processes

Body Art

Developing communication with your body

Through energetic treatments, you will be able to receive more and more information and alertness from your body, thus you will be able to communicate with it more easily

Yoga Instructor

Unlocking limitations

We don't even notice it, but our brains are full of judgments and expectations of our bodies. These create many restrictions. What would you be able to create if you no longer had judgments about your body, about yourself?

An Older Woman Bathing in. the Sea

Ease with your body

By loosening the judgments and viewpoints that limit you, you will have more and more ease with it like never before!

Nature Girl

Dissolv traumas and judgments

Traumas, judgments, which limit our body the most. Have you been judged? Have you been teased about your body? Have you been verbally or physically abused? What would it be like to know that you could release these from your body?

Jogging with Music

Enjoying that you have a body again

Do you want to feel like you were a kid again? Would you like to laugh and smile a lot again? You have the opportunity to love your body again!

Sheer Black Top

Change in all areas of your life

Our body is the key to a truly happy life. We can truly enjoy life in harmony with our body. This will affect all other areas of your life (your business, your relationships, your financial reality). What kind of life do you really want?

You have to have consciousness with your body or it doesn’t change it totally.

Without consciousness, you will buy physically into the limitations that other people call reality.

Gary Douglas

What does a Body Process Session look like?

I'm going to wait for you at a pre-arranged time

A small conversation is expected before the session, especially if we are meeting for the first time.

You have the opportunity to share with me what you would like to change. (nothing is mandatory, you can share as much as you want)

Based on these and my own knowledge and perception, I choose which body treatment has the greatest contribution at the moment (there are 58 body treatments)

The session takes place on a massage bed and lasts about 1 hour.


Dr. Dain Heer talks about Body Processes:

"They open up a space, a calm, where you are present with your body, without judgments or points of view, moving through the entire space in which you have existed until now."

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